What are the Alternatives to Chemical Treatments Offered by a Pest Control Service in Fort Mill SC?

Learn about alternatives to chemical treatments offered by a professional pest control service in Fort Mill SC such as mechanical traps, baits, and exclusion techniques.

What are the Alternatives to Chemical Treatments Offered by a Pest Control Service in Fort Mill SC?

When it comes to pest control, an accredited and licensed company must employ at least one certified commercial pesticide applicator, who must maintain their certification through continuing education, as mandated by the EPA. Orkin offers an inspection of your property by expert technicians to identify pests and problem areas, and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Some pest control companies in York may charge extra for certain types of pests that are included in Noosa's comprehensive pest control service. An experienced Fort Mill pest control technician will take the time to ensure that the job is done as safely as possible.

We have a great track record of solving even the most difficult residential pest control issues. However, hiring a pest control company is often worth it for larger infestations or for proactive pest control. Founded in 1901 by a rat poison seller named Otto Orkin, the company's brand has become one of the most respected in the industry. Their team of certified professionals in the pest control division offers a wide variety of services.

Pest Strategies uses a data-based methodology to rank Fort Mill's pest control companies; no company has paid for its position. The company's residential pest control program provides pest control and protection on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. When it comes to dealing with pests, many people turn to chemical treatments as their first line of defense. However, there are other alternatives available from a professional pest control service in Fort Mill SC that can be just as effective without the use of harsh chemicals.

These alternatives include mechanical traps, baits, and exclusion techniques that can help keep pests away from your home or business without putting your family or employees at risk. Mechanical traps are one of the most common alternatives to chemical treatments offered by a professional pest control service in Fort Mill SC. These traps use physical barriers such as glue boards or sticky mats to capture pests like mice and cockroaches. They are non-toxic and safe for use around children and pets, making them an ideal solution for homes with young children or pets.

Baits are another alternative to chemical treatments offered by a professional pest control service in Fort Mill SC. Baits are typically made from food sources that attract pests like ants or cockroaches. The bait is placed in areas where pests are likely to be found and when they consume it, they die from the poison inside. Baits are also safe for use around children and pets as long as they are placed out of reach.

Exclusion techniques are another alternative to chemical treatments offered by a professional pest control service in Fort Mill SC. Exclusion techniques involve sealing off entry points into your home or business where pests may be entering from outside. This can include sealing cracks and crevices around windows and doors, installing door sweeps, and using screens on vents and windows. Exclusion techniques can help keep pests out without having to resort to chemical treatments.

When it comes to dealing with pests, there are many alternatives available from a professional pest control service in Fort Mill SC that can be just as effective as chemical treatments without putting your family or employees at risk. Mechanical traps, baits, and exclusion techniques can all help keep pests away from your home or business without having to resort to harsh chemicals.

Rosemarie Dunphy
Rosemarie Dunphy

Proud internet nerd. General internet maven. Wannabe travel advocate. Freelance beer fanatic. Avid sushi junkie.